Manual Creation Services

Manual Creation Services

Manual Creation

We create manuals from the user's perspective.

All the manual creation staff in AIBS have spent several years working in the manual creation and design departments of manufacturers, listening to the voices of product designers while at the same time creating manuals from the user's point of view.

If you have any problems with manual creation, please contact AIBS, which has a history of providing tailor-made solutions to our customers' problems.

Features of AIBS's Manual Creation Services


Flexible costs and processes

Creating and reviewing manuals takes a lot of time, effort, and money, and at AIBS, instead of spending much time and money on manuals all at once, our experienced staff will help you create manuals efficiently in stages, according to your needs.


Easy-to-translate Japanese writing

When translating from Japanese manuals into English or other languages, Japanese writing has a significant impact on translation quality. Especially for multilingual translations, the impact is even greater because the translation is from Japanese to English to multiple languages. AIBS, whose core business is translation, provides easy-to-translate Japanese writing.


One-stop services
to translation

We provide one-stop services from manual translation to printing as well as manual creation. Translation, in particular, is a core business of AIBS, and we have over 30 years of experience in this field. We have experience in more than 45 languages. We also support manual creation in various formats, such as online help and video manuals.

Service Menu of Manual Creation

CreationWe create user manuals, maintenance manuals, parts lists, etc.
If you provide us with specifications, CAD data, product videos, or other materials, we can handle everything from drafting to DTP and printing.
We also conduct on-site interviews as needed.
If you do not have the time or personnel to prepare the manuscript in-house, please contact us.
RevisionWe can revise existing manuals for product model changes and version upgrades.
We can handle Adobe products (InDesign, Illustrator, FrameMaker) , MS Office products (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), and other data formats.
Please contact us even if you are operating a content management system (CMS).
RewritingIf you have already created a manual and would like to "review the text, illustrations, page appearance, etc.," this service is recommended.
We can also review existing text with an eye toward multilingualization.
IllustrationWe can create technical illustrations for products based on the following materials: Hand-drawn illustrations, 3D (2D) CAD, photo tracing, paper drawings, and some videos.

Samples of Manual Rewriting

We write simple sentences with an awareness of "a single thought in a single sentence" to avoid false interpretations and incorrect operations.
If sentences can be read and understood correctly in Japanese, mistranslations can be prevented.

Before rewritingAfter rewriting
Open the vacuum cleaner cover, remove the paper pack from inside, replace the paper pack with a new one, and close the lid.1. Open the vacuum cleaner cover.
2. Remove the paper pack from the vacuum cleaner.
3. Install a new paper pack in the vacuum cleaner.
4. Close the vacuum cleaner cover.
Replacement Procedure of Paper Packs in a Vacuum Cleaner Manual

Supported Applications


InDesign, Illustrator, FrameMaker, Photoshop, etc.

MS Office

Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.


Data Formats: IGES, STEP, DXF, DWG, DWF, etc.

Even if you are operating a dedicated system such as CMS, please feel free to contact us.

How can you write a manual if you don't know much about the product?

No problem at all.
Who should make the manual? We often receive answers such as "the developer who knows the product best," but since it is the user who will be using the product, we think it is one way to have someone who is closer to the user create the manual.
We sometimes receive questions such as, "Do you know the product?" Nevertheless, we still believe that it is in the best interest of users if manuals are created by people who have the user's point of view.
Another essential part of manuals is translation. To translate a manual into multiple languages, including English, it is necessary to write Japanese that is easy to translate. We believe that writing from the perspective of a translation company is also a strength of AIBS.

Case Studies

Case Study #1

The customer needs someone to be dispatched to their company who can create a maintenance manual.

The customer's request:
The customer doesn't have time to write instructions for creating the manual, so the customer would like us to dispatch someone to thier company instead of outsourcing. The customer wants to leave everything from interviewing to editing to the person.

AIBS's solution:
After meeting with the person in charge, we created the maintenance manual in-house because we were able to handle it by receiving videos and other materials without the need to prepare creation instructions.

The customer was able to keep costs down compared to ordering dispatch.

Case Study #2

The customer wants paper manuals to be converted to electronic format.

The customer's request:
The customer has only a paper manual because they lost their data, and the revision process involves cutting and pasting paper. Naturally, the manual does not look good. Also, even if the manual is uploaded to the Web, it cannot be text-searched, making it difficult for users to use, so the customer would like it to be data in MS Word format.

AIBS's solution:
We recreated the look and feel of the paper manual in MS Word format, and at the same time, recreated the illustrations described with Illustrator.

The manual revision process was made easier and the manual became more convenient for users by enabling text search.

Case Study #3

The customer needs someone to be dispatched who can edit the manual.

The customer's request:
The customer edits their manuals with a CMS that the customer has in-house, and it is difficult to exchange data and separate tasks, so the custmer needs someone to be dispatched.

AIBS's solution:
After checking the working environment, it was found that a remote connection to the customer's in-house CMS environment was possible.
AIBS's DTP staff directly accessed the customer's CMS to make edits.

The customer succeeded in reducing costs compared to ordering temporary staffing. Also, the customer no longer needs to separate their tasks, and there is no need for complicated ordering process.

Case Study #4

The customer wants someone to actually see the product and create the manual.

The customer's request:
Their in-house staff in charge of manuals are very busy and the customer needs a manual created with only the product and specifications, etc.

AIBS's solution:
After reading the specifications, interviewing the customer about unclear points, and making other preparations, we created illustrations and wrote the manual, and made a new manual.

The customer could reduce the workload of the staff in charge of manuals and they were also satisfied with the content of the manuals created.

Case Study #5

The customer would like to see improvements to the existing manuals.

The customer's request:
The customer has manuals that were made in the past by a manual creation company and manuals that describe the minimum required content for each purchaser by the sales staff, but they are not very well received because of their disparate content and appearance, and the customer would like them rewritten.

AIBS's solution:
We proposed a review of the manual, including its structure and design. In addition to rewriting the text to make it easier to understand, we reworked the manual to make it visually comprehensible by increasing the number of screen shots.

In addition to making the content easier to understand, the design of the manual has also created a sense of unity. The manual was praised as "easy to understand" by both the customer's employees and users.

Customer Voices


Person in charge of manuals at a manufacturer of video equipment

I appreciate the immediate attention to detail.


Person in charge of manuals at a manufacturer of precision equipment

I rest assured that any questions I have about data in PDF format or other formats will be answered.


Person in charge of design at a manufacturer of construction equipment

If the draft instructions are not appropriate, they check the details before working on it, which reduces the need for rework.


Person in customer support at a manufacturer of printing equipment

They are very helpful due to their attention to even small projects.

Flow of Service Usage

  1. Contact Us

    Please fill in and submit the following form or contact us by phone.

  2. Interview and Preparation of a Quotation

    You send us your data, we listen to your requests, and we prepare a quotation based on the information you provide.

  3. Ordering
  4. Start of Work
  5. Delivery of Proofreading Data
  6. Modification

    We will revise the data according to what you have confirmed in the proof data.

  7. Delivery
  8. After-Sales Service

    We will ask for your evaluation of the deliverables, feedback, etc., and use this information for the next project.

Contact Us


    Company name*

    E-mail address*

    Phone number*


    Inquiry type*


    Source language*
    Target language* If you have more than one, please enter them all
    DTP work*

    Desired delivery date*

    File attachment (under 20MB) Please zip your files if you have more than one.

    Meeting Details*
    Interpretation Type*



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